Hair loss affects both, men and women, of all ages, and can drastically change the quality of social life and psychological well-being.



Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in both sexes and is described by a progressive loss of length and diameter of the hair. In male patients hair loss occurs on the temples and crown of the head, giving the classical “M” shape pattern, while women usually experience it in the central and frontal scalp area without temporal recession. Due to the progressive nature of this problem, treatments should start as soon as possible and extended to maintain efficacy


AMT® is an innovative, simple and effective regenerative procedure, capable of obtaining autologous micro-grafts from any body tissue to enhance self-regenerative. Through a simple process, without risks to the patient and great therapeutic potential, in a single session, the patient is a donor and recipient of autologous micro-grafts, allowing the recipient area to benefit from the regenerative activity of the progenitor cells and growth factors extracted from the donor’s site.

Regenera is one of the best treatments for resisting hair loss. Using only your own biological recourses it provides a very effective and safe treatment to improve hair thickness, hair density and quality for up to 2 years after a treatment.

Avaliable at Ouronyx only.

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Treatment Journey

  • Book Your Consultation for hair loss treatments in mayfair and Muswell Hill


    All treatments are subject to a mandatory face to face consultation to determine suitability which includes medical history, hair and scalp assessment with a trichoscope analysis. A personalised treatment plan will be agreed to target concerns and to reach the desired outcomes.

  • hair thinning treatment with stem cells and growth factors


    All of the treatments suggested have minimal downtime and minimal level of discomfort.

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    As part of the consultation, a haircare regime is recommended to improve and to make the results of the treatment last longer.

  • Autologous Micrografting Technology ® is a new and effective regenerative method to reduce hair loss and improve hair thickness and density. The patient is at the same time a donor and a recipient of autologous micrografts, allowing the recipient area to benefit from the regenerative activity of the progenitor cells and growth factors extracted from the donor site.

  • AMT Regenera Activa is suitable for both men and women, and can improve different types of androgenic alopecia or be a great solution as a prevention for patients that want to improve hair quality and prevent hair loss long term. The stimulation from one treatment can last up to 2 years.

  • AMT is a very safe treatment with virtually no downtime. In addition the treatment is virtually pain free.

  • It depends on each case: age, concomitant diseases, and genetic factors... as Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is a multifactorial condition. Microscopically, a significant reduction in the number of miniaturized hairs can be observed within three months. By the fourth month, changes in the quality and number of hairs are visible to the naked eye, as well as a high hair density. It is important to stress the importance of diagnosing AGA as the cause of hair loss for the protocol to be effective.

  • With the AMT® procedure doctors obtain a micrograft solution that comes from skin biopsies that have the same embryological origin as the receptor site (homologous), meaning that the pathways activated with this procedure are much more specific than in a PRP treatment. Moreover, unlike PRP, the AMT® procedure generates a solution which contains not only growth factors, but also progenitor cells that remain in the patient’s scalp. Those cells will be continuously delivering cytokines, chemokines and growth factors to enhance regenerative properties of the affected area, for years. As a result, the healing will be much more efficient, and the results will be better and last longer.   

  • Yes, indeed, its inflammation-modulating and neovascularisation-generating action makes it easier for the hair graft to survive, for the same reason it can rescue follicles in regression. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of the AMT® Solution help in the survival of extracted grafts during a hair transplant procedure, while helping the healing process of the donor site.  


“Dermoscopic imaging of my hair and scalp (a trichoscopy) showed a significant increase of average hair density, a significant increase of average hair shaft thickness, and a significant decrease of thin hair count. Basically, the hair density around my crown has already improved, as has the coverage. I was mighty pleased.”